From Circus Laughter to Healing Hearts: A Journey with Scott Ertl

Hello, dear listeners, and welcome back to another soul-nourishing episode of Hope Without Sight – the podcast that shines a light on inspiring stories of resilience, transformation, and the human spirit’s capacity to triumph over challenges. I’m your host, Saylor Cooper, and today, we’re in for a treat as we sit down with a remarkable individual who’s taken an unconventional path from the circus to counseling and even developed a powerful app for spreading positivity.

Opening Hearts and Minds

Host: It’s a pleasure to introduce you to a man who’s lived quite the colorful journey. Meet Scott Ertl, a former circus performer turned school counselor with a passion for bringing humor and hope to those he encounters. Scott’s story reminds us that life’s chapters can lead us to unexpected places, and his experiences have shaped his mission to make a difference in the lives of others.

Laughter, Circus, and Lessons

Scott’s journey began under the circus tent, where laughter was his craft and magic was his language. For 9 years, he dazzled audiences with comedy, juggling, and a zest for life that would later become the foundation for his transformative work. We’ll explore how Scott’s time in the circus taught him the power of camaraderie, teamwork, and the importance of finding joy even in the most challenging moments.

A Calling for Healing

From the circus, Scott transitioned into a new role – one that allowed him to touch lives in an even deeper way. As a school counselor for 22 years, he witnessed firsthand the impact of addictions and depression on individuals and families. Join us as Scott shares heartwarming stories of hope, resilience, and the meaningful connections that have shaped his journey.

The Birth of the Buoy App

Scott’s compassion and dedication led him to create the Buoy App, a digital lifeline for anyone seeking a quick dose of inspiration during challenging times. This app delivers positive messages that act as a beacon of light when doubt and sadness try to take over. Scott will take us through the inspiration behind the app and how it has become a virtual support system for countless individuals.

The Buoy App’s positive impact ripples across various communities, from entrepreneurs seeking motivation to college students navigating life’s uncertainties. It’s also a source of comfort for military families, individuals on the path to recovery from addiction, and those with loved ones in hospice care. Scott’s app serves as a reminder that hope is universal, and its reach knows no bounds.

Embracing the Journey, As our conversation draws to a close, Scott imparts his wisdom on embracing life’s twists and turns, finding silver linings in unexpected places, and fostering a community of support and encouragement. His journey from circus performer to counselor and app creator is a testament to the remarkable ways we can evolve and touch lives along the way.

Thank you for joining us today on this enlightening episode of Hope Without Sight. Remember, even in the darkest moments, hope is a flame that never fades. If you found Scott’s story as inspiring as I did, make sure to check out the Buoy App at [Buoy App Website], and spread its positivity far and wide.

Until next time, dear listeners, keep nurturing hope, spreading kindness, and walking your unique path with resilience and grace.

About the Guest:

Bio: While I performed comedy magic and juggling in the circus for 9 years, I eventually ran away from the circus to join a school to work as a school counselor for 22 years. In both jobs, I saw the power of humor and teamwork along with the consequences of addictions and depression. I created the Buoy App to help everyone keep positive messages easy to access for quick inspiration when you’re feeling like your drowning in doubt or sadness and need a pick-me-up. You can find the app and download it here:

About the Host:

Introducing Saylor Cooper, an accomplished author and a true inspiration. Despite facing the challenges of living with a disability, Saylor has fearlessly pursued his dreams and emerged as a beacon of motivation for others. His journey in entrepreneurship, alongside his trusted ally Tyler, has propelled him to extraordinary heights.

 At the core of Saylor’s mission lies an unwavering belief in the power of hard work and determination. As the creator and host of Real Variety Radio, Saylor has established a remarkable internet radio station that offers a diverse range of programming spanning every genre of music and shows. 

 Additionally, he has taken the helm of the Hope Without Sight Podcast, where he engages in thought-provoking interviews with individuals who have triumphed over adversity, becoming a source of inspiration to people around the globe.

Saylor’s ambitions extend far beyond his current accomplishments. He actively seeks opportunities to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and share their remarkable journeys at renowned networking events like Podapolooza and Speakers Playhouse. Through collaboration with speaking coaches, he is honing his skills to grace different stages and deliver his empowering message to diverse audiences.

But that is just the beginning of Saylor’s extraordinary aspirations. With plans to monetize his internet radio station and organize life coaching events, he aims to empower others in their pursuit of dreams. Furthermore, Saylor envisions a future filled with numerous literary works, including a captivating autobiography chronicling his own life and a collaborative masterpiece featuring the remarkable stories of his podcast guests.

Above all, Saylor’s ultimate goal is simple yet profound: he strives to demonstrate to individuals facing challenges that anything is possible when dreams are fueled by unwavering dedication and hard work. With Saylor blazing a trail of possibility, the potential for each and every one of us is boundless.

 Join Saylor Cooper on this remarkable journey of empowerment and achievement, and discover that the power to transform lives resides within us all.

To connect with Saylor and learn more about his inspiring work, please visit his E-business card here:

About the Co-host:

Tyler Evans is an integral part of the entrepreneurial journey of his best friend and business partner, Saylor Cooper. Despite facing his own unique challenges, Tyler is determined to make a difference in the world through his hard work and unwavering dedication.

As an active participant in the day-to-day operations of Real Variety Radio, Tyler plays a crucial role in the success of the internet radio station that offers diverse programming from all genres of music and shows. He’s also a key contributor to the Hope Without Sight Podcast, where he helps to bring inspiring guests who have overcome adversity to the forefront.

Tyler’s passion for entrepreneurship is matched only by his love of networking. He enjoys attending events like Podapolooza and Speakers Playhouse, where he can connect with fellow entrepreneurs and learn from their experiences. While Tyler may not have founded or created anything on his own just yet, he’s an important member of the team and his contributions to the venture are invaluable.

Looking to the future, Tyler shares Saylor’s vision of making a difference in people’s lives and inspiring others to pursue their dreams despite any challenges they may face. He’s excited about the possibility of monetizing the internet radio station and hosting life coaching events alongside Saylor to help others reach their full potential.

Tyler’s ultimate goal is to collaborate with Saylor on writing books that share their individual and joint experiences, including an autobiography about his own life. Together, they hope to demonstrate to the world that anything is possible if one has the courage to chase their dreams and put in the hard work necessary to achieve them. With Tyler’s unwavering determination and entrepreneurial spirit, there’s no doubt he’ll continue to make a positive impact on the world around him.

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#Entrepreneurs #Collegestudents #Militaryfamilies #recovery #addictions #Hospice

Saylor Cooper:

Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of

Saylor Cooper:

Hope Without Sight with your host Saylor Cooper,

Tyler Evans:

and this is Tyler Evans.

Saylor Cooper:

And this is episode 45. Now at podaPalooza,

Saylor Cooper:

we're doing episodes back to back. So we have I never posted

Saylor Cooper:

on here his name was Scott. And here's his bio

Saylor Cooper:

that his top title is helping positive messages always live to

Saylor Cooper:

the top. That's what we do here. Our audience is entrepreneurs,

Saylor Cooper:

Coach college students and military families and people in

Saylor Cooper:

recovery. So well, bio. Well, I perform comedy magic and

Saylor Cooper:

juggling the circus for nine years, I eventually ran away

Saylor Cooper:

from the circus to join a school to work as a school counsellor

Saylor Cooper:

for 22 years. And both jobs. I saw the power of human teen work

Saylor Cooper:

along with the consequences of addictions and depression, I

Saylor Cooper:

created a buoy app to help everybody keep positive

Saylor Cooper:

messages, easy to access for quicker inspiration. When you

Saylor Cooper:

feel like you're drowning and sadness and need of a pick me

Saylor Cooper:

up. Yeah, we need that. So please welcome, Scott. And

Saylor Cooper:

what's your last name?

Scott Ertl:

Is Ertl light turtle. Thank you, saylor.

Saylor Cooper:

You're welcome. Welcome to help you outside. So

Saylor Cooper:

tell me, let's go back. How did you get started in this realm in

Saylor Cooper:

this space?

Scott Ertl:

Great. So as a school counsellor, I saw how so

Scott Ertl:

many people really just need some encouragement, and some

Scott Ertl:

reminders, that life is endurable, that they can get

Scott Ertl:

through it no matter how impossible it might seem at the

Scott Ertl:

time. And something as simple as an encouraging word, or a nice

Scott Ertl:

card, or positive voicemail can be enjoyed over and over and

Scott Ertl:

over. You don't have to get a new message or new email or new

Scott Ertl:

card every day. It's great to be able to reuse. It's like the

Scott Ertl:

ultimate recycling by being able to enjoy those words of

Scott Ertl:

inspiration from family or friends over and over when you

Scott Ertl:

didn't most.

Saylor Cooper:

Yes, guys, I would send a lot of love, love

Saylor Cooper:

notes to family and friends as well. And we can use the same

Saylor Cooper:

love note again, because it's always there. It's always in

Saylor Cooper:

your back pocket, you can access it easy time.

Scott Ertl:

You're so right Saylor. Yeah.

Saylor Cooper:

So um, tell us about your successes, like how

Saylor Cooper:

have you impacted the world.

Scott Ertl:

So like you had said in the introduction of military

Scott Ertl:

folks are really in need of extra encouragement. Many times

Scott Ertl:

they are away from their family or friends, whether they are

Scott Ertl:

deployed in service, or they're just in training or bootcamp,

Scott Ertl:

they're really missing their family and friends. So the fact

Scott Ertl:

that we've had over 4000 suicides in the United States,

Scott Ertl:

from actually over 12,000 suicides in the military, from

Scott Ertl:

suicide, since 911, shows that their PTSD when it's treated or

Scott Ertl:

untreated, it's really hard for a lot of folks to function. So

Scott Ertl:

my goal is through the Billy app, to be able to help help

Scott Ertl:

military folks especially be able to get those words of hope

Scott Ertl:

and encouragement, when they're feeling kind of down or sad,

Scott Ertl:

whether it's two o'clock in the morning, and their their

Scott Ertl:

extended network, or asleep or away, or it's during the day,

Scott Ertl:

and they're just embarrassed or ashamed to be able to reach out

Scott Ertl:

for some help. But if they had a positive voicemail, positive

Scott Ertl:

email or video that they're able to enjoy in their time of need

Scott Ertl:

instantly could help them get out of that spiral or that funk

Scott Ertl:

that might be in the military folks. Good.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, cuz military. Yeah, has a lot of

Saylor Cooper:

people come home from military, they come home just wounded not

Saylor Cooper:

just physically, but emotionally too, because they experienced a

Saylor Cooper:

lot of trauma in the military. Yeah.

Scott Ertl:

And other populations that have seen that

Scott Ertl:

need some help, or folks that are dying in hospice, and

Scott Ertl:

they're wanting their family and friends to be able to have

Scott Ertl:

something that they can hold on to, because those voicemails and

Scott Ertl:

text messages can get lost. So the Billy app is a quick way on

Scott Ertl:

their phone, to be able to store all those positive messages

Scott Ertl:

before a loved one dies. They're always be able to hear that

Scott Ertl:

their parents or grandparents say that they love them, that

Scott Ertl:

they're they can do whatever things might be hard for them to

Scott Ertl:

do, and to hear those positive comments from that person after

Scott Ertl:

the person passes. But they'll be able to always have that

Scott Ertl:

message for them. Because, like voicemails for folks that like

Scott Ertl:

voicemails, they're able to even overlay an image have that

Scott Ertl:

person to be able to see that picture of that loved one while

Scott Ertl:

they're here in the voicemail at the same time if they don't have

Scott Ertl:

a video?

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, that's so cool. So Billy, how do you spell

Saylor Cooper:


Scott Ertl:

It's bu Oh, why? The Billy up?

Saylor Cooper:

How what made you name that buoy?

Scott Ertl:

Because I feel like sometimes we're all drowning in

Scott Ertl:

life. And we need something to hold on to, to kind of give us

Scott Ertl:

our breath, and our sense of hope and encouragement to

Scott Ertl:

remember that. Okay, now it's time to let go and get back

Scott Ertl:

swimming through our life instead of feeling like we're

Scott Ertl:

going to drown.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, everybody, please, please show it download

Saylor Cooper:

his app, because you're doing phenomenal work. Because Tyler,

Saylor Cooper:

do you want to share with Scott what we're doing?

Tyler Evans:

Yeah. We're doing what's called the blissful life

Tyler Evans:

community, where we basically tell people, Hey, you can go

Tyler Evans:

from hope without sight, meaning hope without hope. Pretty much.

Tyler Evans:

It's a metaphor, because you know, we're both blind. And we

Tyler Evans:

use hope outside as a metaphor, because, you know, we're blind.

Tyler Evans:

And of course, it's not always metaphoric. Sometimes there are

Tyler Evans:

blind people who feel they have no hope, because they can't

Tyler Evans:

drive and stuff. But we you can go from that blissful life. And

Tyler Evans:

it's not only the boastful life community we're doing, which is

Tyler Evans:

paid. We're doing the lift your spirit party. Yes, it's unpaid,

Tyler Evans:

which is free,

Saylor Cooper:

it's free. And it's gonna be my free gifts as

Saylor Cooper:

well. With all I'll be able to free gifts. So I do want to put

Saylor Cooper:

some information in the chat right now. If you text I

Saylor Cooper:

haven't, I have a number you could text to. If you text my

Saylor Cooper:

contact information will also be here. If you text bliss, to

Saylor Cooper:

832-481-6806 You can start living a blissful life.

Scott Ertl:

That's beautiful.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. Okay. Here it goes right now. So yeah, text

Saylor Cooper:

bliss too, 832 481 6806. Every too 832 481 6806 To live a

Saylor Cooper:

blissful life. So what got you into this headspace? Like? Were

Saylor Cooper:

you struggling with all this stuff yourself? Or what?

Scott Ertl:

Yeah, I think so many of us are, I think

Scott Ertl:

everybody truthfully, you know, has times that are down. And

Scott Ertl:

when I was in the circus, I saw lots of performers who are

Scott Ertl:

battling with different addictions, or alcoholism or

Scott Ertl:

depression. You know, in when I was a school counsellor, I saw

Scott Ertl:

lots of teachers and parents also struggle with depression

Scott Ertl:

and addictions, and just self doubt. And I thought, how would

Scott Ertl:

it be if we didn't have a free app, a free way for everybody to

Scott Ertl:

be able to store those positive messages when they need it most,

Scott Ertl:

you know, so they can get that encouragement that they need,

Scott Ertl:

without having to interrupt other people. Because, you know,

Scott Ertl:

might be at two o'clock in the morning, like we said earlier,

Scott Ertl:

or it might be the 10th time that that person, your support

Scott Ertl:

system isn't always gonna be available to give you that

Scott Ertl:

encouragement 10 times every day. But you can listen to their

Scott Ertl:

message 10 times every day to get you through those spots that

Scott Ertl:

you might be struggling with yourself.

Saylor Cooper:

Wow. So does it have audio a text messages as

Saylor Cooper:

well, that app?

Scott Ertl:

It has both you're able to have audio, video or

Scott Ertl:

text messages or voicemails.

Saylor Cooper:

And you you export them from your phone and

Saylor Cooper:

you save them in the app? Right? Right. Right. Wow, I can't wait

Saylor Cooper:

to download it. Is it just on iOS or Android as well?

Scott Ertl:

You can do both. So our website is called the

Scott Ertl: The B UOY And you can there's links to

Scott Ertl:

both of those platforms, we can download it directly instead of

Scott Ertl:

having a search for

Saylor Cooper:

Wow, the buoy I'll definitely look at

Saylor Cooper:

it while I'm Wow. Scott, you and I could be a great team because

Saylor Cooper:

if you join the blissful life community, you will have so much

Saylor Cooper:

fun. It's still in development. We're still undeveloped, we're

Saylor Cooper:

still developing it. But you will have so much fun together

Saylor Cooper:

for you join because you and I were doing very similar

Scott Ertl:

work. Oh yeah. Well, I'm so blessed to be a part of

Scott Ertl:

your community sailor and thank you for the opportunity to get

Scott Ertl:

to meet both of you guys. And just wrap up the great work of

Scott Ertl:

what you're doing to make the world a better place.

Saylor Cooper:

First show before we go before we go

Tyler Evans:

Go ahead. A customer customer requests we

Tyler Evans:

ask every on all my guests is how do you how do you respond to

Tyler Evans:

people who feel they have no hope?

Saylor Cooper:

What should wait what would you say? A people who

Saylor Cooper:

are struggling in life now.

Scott Ertl:

How can you be of service? How can you help today?

Scott Ertl:

And what can you do to lift somebody else up? How can you be

Scott Ertl:

a human booty for somebody else, whether it's kind message, a

Scott Ertl:

kind word, a smile, or just opening the door for somebody

Scott Ertl:

else, whether it's a physical door that you hold for them, or

Scott Ertl:

introduction that you do to help somebody else get the help that

Scott Ertl:

they need.

Saylor Cooper:

Wow, beautiful. What's the what's the

Scott Ertl:

That's right. Saylor.

Saylor Cooper:

Question. I'm sure you didn't develop it

Saylor Cooper:

yourself. You didn't. You had help. Right? That's right. Yeah,

Saylor Cooper:

none of us can do it on our own. Well, thanks so much, everybody.

Saylor Cooper:

Give it up for Scott. Enjoy the rest of your day at podaPalooza

Saylor Cooper:

and stay blessed everyone be blissful.