Overcoming Chronic Trauma With Monika Martin

Learn How an alignment coach overcame chronic trauma in her life.

About the Guest:

Monika Martin is an alignment coach and soul therapist. She overcame c-PTSD and burnout without medication after many years of suffering from severe childhood trauma, crippling anxiety, terrible panic attacks, and debilitating chronic pain.



About the Host:

I am Saylor Cooper, Owner and host of Real Variety Radio as well as the Hope Without Sight Podcast. I am from the Houston, Texas area and am legally blind which is one of the main reasons why I am hosting this show surrounding this topic , to inspire others by letting them know that they can live their best life and reach their highest potential. I am beginning my journey in Entrepreneurship to overcome the challenges of making a living with a disability and to demonstrate that it indeed it is possible by putting in hard work! Of course I am not sure what is in store, but I am extremely excited for what is to come. My future goals include getting booked to speak on stages and write a collaborative book with my podcast guests.


Contact card, which includes all of my website and socials:



About the Co-host:

My name is Matthew Tyler Evans and I am from the Northeast Texas area. I am blind like Saylor is and we have the same retinal condition. I decided to join Saylor‘s podcast because I have a strong interest in teaming up with him and I think together, we can inspire the world with others with disabilities.


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Saylor Cooper:

Hello, everybody. Welcome to another episode of

Saylor Cooper:

Hope Without Sight with your host Saylor Cooper, and

Tyler Evans:

this is your co host, Tyler Evans.

Saylor Cooper:

Yes. On today's episode, it's episode 33 and

Saylor Cooper:

humbled outside, we recorded two episodes in one day coming

Saylor Cooper:

along. We have an alignment coach and therapist who has

Saylor Cooper:

overcome a lot of trauma in her life that she got out of it. And

Saylor Cooper:

now she helps others. She's from France, but now lives in

Saylor Cooper:

Switzerland. So of course, she speaks French. So if you can

Saylor Cooper:

introduce yourself in French, that'd be great. Please welcome

Saylor Cooper:

Monica. Martin. How you doing? Come on, survive.

Monika Martin:

Hi, hi, Sayler. Hi, Matthew, thank you so much

Monika Martin:

for having me today.

Tyler Evans:

Yeah, you're welcome.

Saylor Cooper:

Yes, you bet. So tell us about yourself. What

Saylor Cooper:

draws you to be in that trauma? And how did you get out of it?

Monika Martin:

Okay, so I grew up in a very toxic and abusive

Monika Martin:

religious family, my parents have at a very chaotic

Monika Martin:

relationship. There was domestic violence. Yeah, so I grew up in

Monika Martin:

that environment. And, you know, like, there was obviously a lot

Monika Martin:

of things going on between my parents, but my sisters and I

Monika Martin:

also went through physical and emotional abuse with my parents.

Monika Martin:

So that's kind of like how my life started. And, and, you

Monika Martin:

know, as a child, I never felt safe. I was always anxious. And

Monika Martin:

I, early on, I started to develop some physical symptoms,

Monika Martin:

for example, are always had a tummy ache. And all sorts of

Monika Martin:

things. And when I was when I, when I turned, yeah, in my

Monika Martin:

teenage years, I started to have really bad panic attacks. And

Monika Martin:

and, oh, sorry, I thought you were going to ask a question.

Saylor Cooper:


Monika Martin:

sorry. Okay, so I started to have really bad panic

Monika Martin:

attacks. And, you know, and my physical symptoms just

Monika Martin:

progressed. And it was in 2020. When I very well, you. Yeah, it

Monika Martin:

was really difficult here for a lot of people. And it was

Monika Martin:

actually during the first lockdown here in Europe. I

Monika Martin:

started to have chronic pain, like really, really bad muscle

Monika Martin:

pain all over the body, I needed to sleep all the time. And I was

Monika Martin:

like, okay, something is off, something is really bad. And I

Monika Martin:

had been, you know, I had been on this kind of like, spiritual

Monika Martin:

search for a very long time already. But I had not found a

Monika Martin:

way to heal myself. So back in 2020, I really started to have a

Monika Martin:

chronic back pain and fatigue. And yeah, it was was really,

Monika Martin:

really bad. And things at work kind of change after the first

Monika Martin:

lockdown, which there was a change in management, and all

Monika Martin:

sorts of things. So the work environment became toxic for

Monika Martin:

different reasons. And in 2021, summer 2021, I had a burnout. So

Monika Martin:

that's when I had to, you know, I was like, I have been doing

Monika Martin:

this, like, you know, like healing stuff for about 20

Monika Martin:

years, and I still feel like, you know, like, crap, basically.

Monika Martin:

So how did I get here. And that's when I realised that I

Monika Martin:

had, I didn't want to acknowledge my childhood trauma,

Monika Martin:

so I wasn't going to heal. I really had to go deep within

Monika Martin:

myself and allow myself to just go through that process of

Monika Martin:

healing that trauma and really acknowledging it, acknowledging

Monika Martin:

the things that I went through, and that I just couldn't, you

Monika Martin:

know, live my life, get out of this toxic environment, live my

Monika Martin:

life, but not heal myself. Because, you know, you can get

Monika Martin:

out of a very toxic environment, but the environment is still

Monika Martin:

going to stay within you, especially if you grew up in

Monika Martin:

that kind of environment, because that's how your brain

Monika Martin:

was programmed.

Saylor Cooper:

Exactly. That's how it was programmed. Yeah.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. So I mean, if we understand it as you were doing

Saylor Cooper:

healing for the past 20 years, but it never worked. You always

Saylor Cooper:

felt anxious. How

Monika Martin:

It was like a bandit. aid, you know, I was

Monika Martin:

going to people, I was going to doctors, I was doing a tentative

Monika Martin:

medicine, I was doing acupuncture, and I was also, you

Monika Martin:

know, going to healers, but it was just a band aid. I wasn't,

Monika Martin:

you know, I was feeling better for just, you know, a few days,

Monika Martin:

or maybe a few weeks if I was lucky. But then it would always

Monika Martin:

come back. So I was just, you know, spending money and

Monika Martin:

spending money and spending my time and energy trying to find

Monika Martin:

things outside of myself to heal, when actually, everything

Monika Martin:

was within myself. And it was really about me processing my

Monika Martin:

emotions and working with healing my nervous system, which

Monika Martin:

was very dysregulated because of all the trauma that I had gone

Monika Martin:

through. So it was more of a new thing than trying to find a

Monika Martin:

solution outside of myself. So,

Saylor Cooper:

did you just go a therapy to heal? Or did you just

Saylor Cooper:

have just heal spiritually?

Monika Martin:

So, um, I don't think you can heal spiritually

Monika Martin:

when you have a dysregulated nervous system. For me

Monika Martin:

personally, I had been on this, you know, healing journey for a

Monika Martin:

really long time. But what was missing was the embodiment part.

Monika Martin:

I just didn't work with my body because I didn't want to be in

Monika Martin:

my body, which is what a lot of people experiencing trauma feel

Monika Martin:

like, they don't want to be in the body. Now, I had never

Monika Martin:

actually worked with the body. And it's when I had burnout that

Monika Martin:

I realised that Okay, so first, there's the childhood trauma

Monika Martin:

that I have to acknowledge. And second, I really have to work

Monika Martin:

with my body, I have to like, be in my body. And that was the

Monika Martin:

process of, you know, like, working with my emotions and

Monika Martin:

working with my nervous system.

Saylor Cooper:

Right. The world so you worked with your

Saylor Cooper:


Monika Martin:

Yes, And, you know, I also, you know, when I

Monika Martin:

had my burnout, I realised, okay, first I was sent to a

Monika Martin:

psychiatrist, because I was on sick leave. And I was sent to a

Monika Martin:

psychiatrist by my, by my doctor, but he just wanted to

Monika Martin:

meet to take antidepressant and like, this is not what I wanted.

Monika Martin:

So I just change. And then I found this truly good doctor.

Monika Martin:

And she was working with a psychotherapist. So I started

Monika Martin:

the therapy with a psychotherapist, I also started

Monika Martin:

shiatsu treatment, and I started again, acupuncture. But you

Monika Martin:

know, it was about me working on myself, but also getting outside

Monika Martin:

help. And no, we're not. Yeah. And when I started to, when I

Monika Martin:

started this process, it took me just two months to actually heal

Monika Martin:

from burnout. And wow, yeah, and just and, and just really feel

Monika Martin:

empowered and more resilient. And the ID that I have is

Monika Martin:

crippling en. And the same for panic attacks. And yes, so it

Monika Martin:

really changed my life, because that's when I had my burnout

Monika Martin:

that actually found my purpose after doing this healing work.

Monika Martin:

That's what I found my purpose. I knew exactly everything was

Monika Martin:

clear in my head. Because before it wasn't the case, I was going

Monika Martin:

from job to job. And I didn't know really what I wanted to do.

Monika Martin:

I had an idea I wanted to work in that field. But I didn't know

Monika Martin:

what I didn't know how I didn't know what kind of training to

Monika Martin:

do. So yeah.

Saylor Cooper:

So you took no medication at all, because I've

Saylor Cooper:

heard antidepressants can make you much worse than you all. And

Saylor Cooper:

that's happened to a lot of people. And so I'm thankful that

Saylor Cooper:

you didn't.

Monika Martin:

Yeah, I didn't, because I knew that my body was

Monika Martin:

trying to tell me something. And I was like, my body has been

Monika Martin:

screaming things to me for ages. But I'm not able to understand

Monika Martin:

his language, now is the time for me to really try to

Monika Martin:

understand what my body wants. And I didn't want to and I

Monika Martin:

didn't want to go on medication because I knew that it would

Monika Martin:

just, you know, cut me off my symptoms, so to speak, and I

Monika Martin:

wouldn't have the opportunity to actually heal the root cause of

Monika Martin:

you know, all the things that I was going through.

Saylor Cooper:

And so, now that you've healed, do you still have

Saylor Cooper:

these panic attacks? Does it still work in progress? Are you

Saylor Cooper:


Monika Martin:

Okay, so I haven't really I haven't had a

Monika Martin:

panic attack in your really, really really long time.

Monika Martin:

However, you know, just like normal people. I still deal with

Monika Martin:

anxiety once in a while depending on the situation or

Monika Martin:

the challenges, but I don't have crippling anxiety like to

Saylor Cooper:

because I've I was on a plea I had someone on a

Saylor Cooper:

previous episode of hope without sight and they they gave me an

Saylor Cooper:

eye opener there's a difference between mental health and mental

Saylor Cooper:

illness. Mental health is caused by like, everyday normal

Saylor Cooper:

stressors in life, like you'll have normal anxiety. Mental

Saylor Cooper:

illness is more chronic. Mental illness is a condition that

Saylor Cooper:

affects the way you think and act. And it's long, it's more

Saylor Cooper:

severe, it's long term, and it requires more treatment.

Monika Martin:

So I would say I wouldn't call them like mental

Monika Martin:

illnesses, because to me, it feels more like an imbalance and

Monika Martin:

imbalance. Yeah

Saylor Cooper:

and right,

Monika Martin:

from what I have learned, because I need a

Monika Martin:

certification in somatic embodiment and regulation

Monika Martin:

strategies. And what I have learned from that, which is also

Monika Martin:

what I have learned, from my own experience, is that a lot of

Monika Martin:

things that people come to illnesses are actually a

Monika Martin:

disruption of the nervous system. So if you're able to

Monika Martin:

heal the nervous system, you can actually hear yourself, you

Monika Martin:

know, depression, anxiety. I have, you know, I have heard

Monika Martin:

people heal bipolar disorder, just by working with they're

Monika Martin:

working with a trauma Coach, and we're working on healing the

Monika Martin:

nervous system. So, you know, like, I'm, I'm really not

Monika Martin:

against medication, because in some cases, it's, you know,

Monika Martin:

like, some people really need to have those same time. Yeah, but

Monika Martin:

at the same time, you need to work on the root cause issue of

Monika Martin:

your imbalance or disorder, right? You just take meds,

Monika Martin:

you're never going to heal.

Saylor Cooper:

No, it makes sense. Med's don't heal the

Saylor Cooper:

disorder, they just keep it in check and balance.

Monika Martin:

I know when possible that

Saylor Cooper:

what makes you get past it is the trauma is

Saylor Cooper:

healing from the trauma of law. So that's why you need when

Saylor Cooper:

having diseases like bipolar disorder, you need both

Saylor Cooper:

psychotherapy and medication. Yep. And so, now you're in

Saylor Cooper:

alignment coach. Yes, you teach people how to stay calm and life

Saylor Cooper:

and avoid panic attacks, because I've, honestly, I, I have

Saylor Cooper:

anxiety like normal. I mean, especially among an

Saylor Cooper:

entrepreneurial venture, starting up a business and it

Saylor Cooper:

comes a lot with that there's anxiety with that, can you give

Saylor Cooper:

me tips on how to manage that and stay aligned.

Monika Martin:

So it's more an anxiety that is caused to a

Monika Martin:

spare specific situation. Now in the present, we're not talking

Monika Martin:

here about anxiety that is caused by an a trauma from your

Monika Martin:

childhood, for example, or a past event in your life. We're

Monika Martin:

talking here about specifically because you're on this

Monika Martin:

entrepreneur. Venture, right? Yeah. Okay. So if you have

Monika Martin:

anxiety around this, you know, when you feel the anxiety, and

Monika Martin:

this is something that people actually do not like to do, and

Monika Martin:

I faded through it doing this, but just sit down with yourself

Monika Martin:

and let yourself feel whatever it is that you are feeling. And

Monika Martin:

then ask yourself, Why am I feeling this way? Because

Monika Martin:

emotions are here to let you know something. And emotions

Monika Martin:

needs to be expressed in order to be released.

Saylor Cooper:

They do they do.

Monika Martin:

So it's actually very easy. When you learn how to

Monika Martin:

handle your emotions. Life gets easier.

Saylor Cooper:

It does like it, you just have to manage it and

Saylor Cooper:

also do meditation sessions every day. I don't know if

Saylor Cooper:

you've gotten those. Oh, yeah,

Monika Martin:

meditation works, works very well, as well,

Monika Martin:

especially, you know, when you want to start your day, and you

Monika Martin:

know, you want to be in that really good positive energy.

Monika Martin:

Meditation is also is also great. But when you're in the

Monika Martin:

moment, and you're really feeling the anxiety, I know for

Monika Martin:

some people, it's hard to actually like do a meditation,

Monika Martin:

because, you know, they are too, too anxious to even kind of

Monika Martin:

like, take an action. So if that's the case, you know, just

Monika Martin:

sit down with yourself and just let yourself feel. Because when

Monika Martin:

you let yourself feel the emotion will be released, and it

Monika Martin:

will take maybe just a few minutes, and then you know it

Monika Martin:

will be gone. But if we got fights, yeah, if you fight

Monika Martin:

against it, it's going to be way harder. It's going to take much

Monika Martin:

longer, and it's always going to come back at some point.

Saylor Cooper:

It is it's always gonna come back so don't Five

Saylor Cooper:

engines sitting in the mud, and I'll find that too. I just try

Saylor Cooper:

and calm down and it all goes away eventually.

Tyler Evans:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. So

Saylor Cooper:


Monika Martin:


Saylor Cooper:

yes. So you're still here. Okay. So I see you.

Saylor Cooper:

I see you have a website here, and embodyyourflow.com, what's

Saylor Cooper:

on that website.

Monika Martin:

So it's my website, you can find my bio my

Monika Martin:

services, you can also find I have created a free meditation

Monika Martin:

for alignment and self empowerment, my podcasts as

Monika Martin:

well. And, you know, just also my contacts if you want to

Monika Martin:

contact me or follow me on social media.

Saylor Cooper:

Oh, you get a free meditation as well. It's

Saylor Cooper:


Monika Martin:

Yes, it's a guided meditation for alignment

Monika Martin:

and self empowerment. And basically, it's kind of like a

Monika Martin:

journey where you go, you know, talk to your heart, talk to your

Monika Martin:

body, talk to your soul, talk to your mind. That's great.

Saylor Cooper:

That's great. And so now you help others do the

Saylor Cooper:

same thing. And so does all does your past your Baba use it? Are

Saylor Cooper:

you free from that?

Monika Martin:

No, I'm actually at peace with my past. I, you

Monika Martin:

know, I have cut, I cut ties with my family for, you know,

Monika Martin:

many years now. So I'm, I'm at peace with my past. Like, it

Monika Martin:

doesn't bother me. And I am very much aware of what I went

Monika Martin:

through. But I also know what I have overcome, which is way

Monika Martin:

bigger. Like, it's actually a big achievement. And so it's

Monika Martin:

something that actually matters most than what I went through.

Saylor Cooper:

Exactly. And you've overcome so much. And

Saylor Cooper:

because I've heard a lot of people, you know, who have had

Saylor Cooper:

the past in their life. They don't overcome it, because they

Saylor Cooper:

don't want to they use they'll get into drugs, alcohol, and I

Saylor Cooper:

believe you had you stayed away from that, which I applaud you

Saylor Cooper:


Monika Martin:

Yeah, so I am. Yeah. Because I, so any kind of

Monika Martin:

addiction is like the root cause of any kind of addiction is

Monika Martin:

trauma. Yeah. Because an addiction is a way for people to

Monika Martin:

self soothe. So I didn't have that. I was never attracted,

Monika Martin:

like, I don't drink alcohol. Like, I don't drink alcohol,

Monika Martin:

like I don't have like, I don't like the taste of it. I've never

Monika Martin:

wanted to take drugs, because I don't like and okay. And I don't

Monika Martin:

I've never wanted to take drugs because I first of all wasn't

Monika Martin:

interested. And second of all, I knew that I wouldn't be able to

Monika Martin:

be in control of what would happen. Like I was, like, I

Monika Martin:

didn't know what would happen after I take, you know, I take

Monika Martin:

drugs. So. And I used to be also like, I had a trauma response,

Monika Martin:

which was to be like a real control freak. I wanted to be in

Monika Martin:

control of everything. So I that made me feel safe. So obviously

Monika Martin:

drugs didn't make me feel safe at all. So I didn't want to try

Monika Martin:

that. Because I had no control of the of the process.

Saylor Cooper:

Exactly, you had no control. And so, as I

Saylor Cooper:

understand that your trauma that you exposed to, you will never

Saylor Cooper:

expose to addiction, which is why you're not addicted to

Saylor Cooper:


Monika Martin:

No. So what do you mean, why I've never been

Monika Martin:

exposed to and so my parents were not addicts?

Saylor Cooper:

They will. I was trying to get that your parents

Saylor Cooper:

were not addicts. I see,

Monika Martin:

No my. What's funny, though, is that my

Monika Martin:

grandparents or my grandfather's on both sides were alcoholics.

Monika Martin:

And so my father didn't want to drink because it didn't want to

Monika Martin:

be like his father. However, my parents together didn't need to

Monika Martin:

drink to be really abusive towards each other. So you know,

Monika Martin:

it's kind of like what I said, you can get out of the toxic

Monika Martin:

environment or you can try to do things differently. And I think

Monika Martin:

for my parents, it was different because obviously, I guess we

Monika Martin:

just didn't have the same level of awareness. Right. But yeah,

Monika Martin:

they I guess he wanted to make things differently because he

Monika Martin:

never drank like it didn't want to drink and we'd never had any

Monika Martin:

kind of alcohol at home. But that didn't keep them from

Monika Martin:

actually having the same kind of behaviours than their own

Monika Martin:

parents. So yeah, I don't think that being around I makes makes

Monika Martin:

makes you an addict. I think that it's more of the trauma,

Monika Martin:

and how you respond to that

Saylor Cooper:

trauma and how we respond to it. Yes, I see. I

Saylor Cooper:

see. Oh, awesome as well. You're shining your light in the world,

Saylor Cooper:

which is great. You're helping others live a life more

Saylor Cooper:


Monika Martin:

Yeah, I help people. I help people overcome a

Monika Martin:

dark night of the soul. So yeah. And that's kind of like what I

Monika Martin:

went through. To be honest, it was a long journey. And my you

Monika Martin:

know, my mission, I guess I call it that way is to help you know,

Monika Martin:

people get through the process more easily. And faster as well.

Monika Martin:


Saylor Cooper:

And so have you. Have you worked with people that

Saylor Cooper:

have bipolar disorder and all those other No, not? Yeah, just

Saylor Cooper:

know, people been through trauma like you.

Monika Martin:

Like, my job is not really is not so much on

Monika Martin:

trauma. It's more about helping people finding themselves,

Monika Martin:

finding their happiness, finding their purpose and creating a

Monika Martin:

life that they truly love. So alive. Yeah, with who they are.

Monika Martin:

Exactly. At some point. You know, trauma, everyone has

Monika Martin:

trauma anyways, whether it's neglect or abuse, it's trauma,

Monika Martin:

there is still big T little t. So, you know, like, the blocks

Monika Martin:

that we have, we have those blocks because of trauma. So,

Monika Martin:

but I don't work specifically with people who have mental

Monika Martin:

imbalances, such as bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia.

Monika Martin:

That's not what I'm doing at the moment.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, you just help people live a life and

Saylor Cooper:

balance I see. Yeah. Wonderful.

Monika Martin:

Sum it up that way. Yeah. A life that is true

Monika Martin:

to who they are. Yeah, I live in a society where there so much

Monika Martin:


Saylor Cooper:

You know,

Monika Martin:

there's this connection to self.

Saylor Cooper:

You do? You know, you should always be your true

Saylor Cooper:

self. And don't always listen to others, you know?

Monika Martin:

Yeah, it's about you know, finding yourself

Monika Martin:

within yourself.

Saylor Cooper:

Exactly. Finding yourself within yourself. Well.

Saylor Cooper:

Do you have any future goals? And if so, like, what are they?

Monika Martin:

Ah, do I have goals? Yes. On a professional,

Saylor Cooper:

Personal and professional? Yeah, both.

Monika Martin:

Okay, um, professional level, I would like

Monika Martin:

at some point to create a course. Like an evergreen

Monika Martin:

course, I would love to do that, though, the work that I do.

Monika Martin:

Like, it really needs to be tailored, because it's like,

Monika Martin:

each person is unique. But yeah, I've been thinking about

Monika Martin:

creating a course that I could, you know, that I could provide

Monika Martin:

to a lot of people. And personally. Yeah, I would like

Monika Martin:

to move out of Switzerland. Yeah, I wouldn't. I mean, it's a

Monika Martin:

brilliant country. It's, I mean, you know, during the pandemic,

Monika Martin:

it was way it was better than other countries, especially in

Monika Martin:

Europe. But yeah, like, my heart is somewhere else. And I just

Monika Martin:

need to figure it out where

Saylor Cooper:

I yeah, I think Did you create a course and sell

Saylor Cooper:

it make money off of it to help others? That'd be fabulous.

Saylor Cooper:

Because yeah, me and Tyler, we all goes on to have this podcast

Saylor Cooper:

and inspire others. So that because that's what helped with

Saylor Cooper:

our site is about right. Yes, it is. Yeah. Yeah. And, alright, so

Saylor Cooper:

I don't believe I have anything else for you that Tyler, you

Saylor Cooper:

have anything else for? Guest

Tyler Evans:

Hmm. I think you covered a lot, a lot of ground.

Tyler Evans:

Do you see in your personal life do you have? Do you have

Tyler Evans:

children or anything or?

Monika Martin:

I dont have children, I have three dogs

Monika Martin:

though. But I don't have children. I've always wanted to

Monika Martin:

have children. But I haven't found the right person yet. So

Monika Martin:

I'm still looking there.

Saylor Cooper:

Well, hopefully you will. Yeah. As to Yeah.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah. And so if nothing else, if you have any questions for us

Saylor Cooper:

also, who knows? We will we would love to be on your podcast

Saylor Cooper:

as well.

Monika Martin:

So I'm actually working on season two of my

Monika Martin:

podcast and it's all about love and relationships. So if you

Monika Martin:

want to share about love and relationships So let me know.

Monika Martin:

It's couples, you know, overcoming challenges and, you

Monika Martin:

know, being stronger after.

Saylor Cooper:

Yeah, I'll be happy. Okay, so to close out,

Saylor Cooper:

first of all,

Monika Martin:

thanks for being on the show was by having me it

Monika Martin:

was a pleasure.

Saylor Cooper:

What advice would you give to anybody who's

Saylor Cooper:

struggling in life, especially someone who's been through

Saylor Cooper:

trauma like you have, and doesn't see a way out.

Saylor Cooper:


Monika Martin:

So honestly, I guess I would tell them what I

Monika Martin:

would tell myself if I could go back in time, I acknowledge a

Monika Martin:

trauma, fine a coach, and work on regulating your dysregulated

Monika Martin:

nervous system. And also one thing, like, you may never get

Monika Martin:

the apology that you're looking for. But you don't need an

Monika Martin:

apologise. You don't need an apology, and you don't need to

Monika Martin:

forgive in order to move on and live your best life.

Saylor Cooper:

No you don't know you don't.

Monika Martin:

So that's what I would say. And you know, wish

Monika Martin:

you the best because it's like, it's it was from your really

Monika Martin:

tough journey. And you can like if the advice that I just gave

Monika Martin:

can make someone's journey way easier, then, you know, my job

Monika Martin:

is still on.

Saylor Cooper:

There. You've made it. You've made it. All

Saylor Cooper:

right. Well, thanks so much for being on the show.

Monika Martin:

And thank you for having me

Saylor Cooper:

Give it up for Monica Martin.

Monika Martin:

Thank you.

Saylor Cooper:

Yes, stay blessed everybody.