You will indeed feel less pressured having to be perfect in life. Want to know how and why? Well just listen to this episode to find out!
About the Guest:
I am Robert A. Wilson with Cowboy Wisdom Hypnoacuity and Cowboy Wisdom expansions that I liberate you from you quiets your thinking, knowing, memory mind, viewpoints, opinions, beliefs and ancestors’ ways to expand of your dreams and desired life. Introducing people to modernized wisdom of expand, energize, enterprise and experience a better way of expanding through life.
About the Host:
I am Saylor Cooper, Owner of Real Variety Radio and host of the Hope Without Sight Podcast. I am from the Houston, Texas area and am legally blind which is one of the main reasons why I am hosting this show surrounding this topic , to inspire others by letting them know that they can live their best life and reach their highest potential.
About the Co-host:
My name is Matthew Tyler Evans and I am from the Northeast Texas area. I am blind like Saylor is and we have the same retinal condition. I decided to join Saylor‘s podcast because I have a strong interest in teaming up with him and I think together, we can inspire the world with others with disabilities.
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Hello everybody welcome to another episode of hope without sight with your host Saylor Cooper and Tyler Evans, Boy Episode 11 Hope without Sight, here today at Poppalooza. And here we have your incredible Robert Wilson, whose top title is gifts of liberation. Robert, how're you doing today?
Robert A Wilson:I'm doing very excellent. And it's my honor and privilege to be with you sailor and Tyler.
Saylor Cooper:It. It's an incredible honor to have you on the show. And so, I want to ask you, your pot your title is gifts of liberation. In your description. You give lots of cowboy wisdom. Are you a cowboy for Texas because I am
Robert A Wilson:I was a cowboy from South Dakota actually did all the rodeo events when I was younger? My body's telling me so today.
Saylor Cooper:Have you ever been to the Houston Livestock Show? And rodeo?
Robert A Wilson:No, I've never been to Houston. San Antonio because I lived in San Antonio, but I've never been to Houston. And there was a young kid that won the bull riding there. His name was Stetson Wright? Yeah, you want over? I forget close over 600,000 this year, right bulls of Bronx. So
Saylor Cooper:your podcast is gifts of liberation. What is your message? I mean, do you have stories of overcoming life's challenges, because that is what our podcast is about.
Robert A Wilson:And that's what I started to beginning for you. Saylor and Tyler in 1997, I'm a union electrician by trade. I was working in Portland, Oregon. And my life was kind of just, you know, just in the middle of no man's land, like being in the desert, not knowing which way to go. I got into a home based business that push personal growth. And then the home based business I didn't do well in but the personal growth I did. And you know, I'm like everybody else. I had my challenges in my childhood and stuff like that, but I never understood them, because that's just kind of the way it was. But I started moving forward in 2001, I wrote a book. And it was about with change, he'll create this do this, but my physical world was never going anywhere. It was still kind of just, you know, just rumbling on the same sailor and Tyler. So in 2009, I discovered the word expand over change. That's when my life started moving forward. And so I dissolved I took change, heal, create transformation, forgiveness, learn things know, and learn and hear out of my life. Wow. And that and then I started to replace for change was expand. For transformation that was energized. Then I started enterprising my life because it gives me a forward movement. And the thing I asked them were to expand energize enterprise, experience, appreciate and liberation. The difference between the words is there is no memory, liberation, the Energize, expand enterprise experience, appreciation livery, there's zero memory, you can actually start expanding your life out of where it was because you're not trying to think of it. Appreciation over forgiveness allows you to take the confidence and power from the situation and give it to yourself and while letting go of the other, other everything else involved. And I'll share a little saying I use it when you're having a bad day. I call it a flip of a jig. It's F flip from a jig be gone. And all that does is make you laugh and giggle breaks that thought pattern. And see that's the thing is is everybody gets caught up in the thinking and knowing and then next thing you know we're just in a turmoil for thinking. I use inspiration for knowing I use understanding. Because if you understand where you're at in life, you can expand forward but trying to think No your way you're from your life because you think you know all the way to yesterday expanding To understand today, because it's now everything is in front of you. And your imagination, innovation, inspiration, talent, that's all now and it's above everything you've ever known in your life because imagination in them are in a liminal landscape. And that's over the threshold of your current life. And appreciation allows you, when you appreciate your current situation, no matter what it is, you can expand upward you can raise out of it, and start moving forward in life. And something I'll share with you everything that's written in a book, in the school books, is what somebody else wants you to know. That's how they want you to act. Because your talents sailor yours, and Tyler's are unique to you. There is no books, there is nothing in the outside world. Everything's in you. You just got to uncover and discover yourself. And that's why I call it sovereign expansion. Because you can never be controlled by outside sources and expansions unlimited. Onward and upward. Tracks of life.
Saylor Cooper:That is good advice right there. I mean, basically, that what you're saying what we learned in school, yes, it's valuable information. But we don't have to, like, take it to heart. Because it's, it's, it's something that it's stuff that other people want us to know when we can use our gifts. Is that what you're saying?
Robert A Wilson:Absolutely. Because see, if you want to control a society, right, you want to limit them to what you want, put it in a book, spin it in the media, and you can control the society. That's right. That's right. But if you got to start getting into your own talents, wisdom, insight. You're never controlled, but you're also expanding the world. Out of the turmoil. See the world we come into this world, with all the stuff going on in the external world? Well, it's our inner world in our life events that will expand the world out of the chaos and turmoil. Because when you have inner peace, you start you start an avalanche of inner peace for other people. It's not b See, that's the thing. You gotta let go the sappy of happy and get into the peace in turmoil, and humble and prosperity and peace.
Saylor Cooper:That is good advice. Right?
Robert A Wilson:In the eye, sailor and Tyler, I show people the way I expanded my life. And that's a key word expand over change, because it takes the turmoil out of moving forward, onward, upward and forward.
Saylor Cooper:Exactly.
Robert A Wilson:In something, but the word Well, I the vocabulary I use, and I've got a book called My wisdom breeze. And it's also an audio and the books are written on punctuated
Saylor Cooper:so you, you didn't you didn't follow the English. The proper English clever. You just get your own style, right?
Robert A Wilson:Yeah, politically incorrect. And I like it Have you really thought about it? You know, here's my deal. Now I used to get thinking about it. But this is something I'm gonna tell you Saylor and Tyler. If you ain't being ridiculed and criticized by 98% of the people. You're not thinking big enough. You're not inspirational enough and you're not expanding the world. Exactly. You're it's it's you guys it's a simple saying I let go the sheeple accuracy stop being in her Docker see stop stepping in utter Dr. C set myself free
Saylor Cooper:Robert, I like a humor man. I like
Robert A Wilson:to laugh at life. Exactly. Yeah, stuck in perfection programming. Oh, yeah. Hey, and see, you know, I found a lot of this personal. I used to follow and try to do everything in his personal growth and self help world, but it was just moving me sideways. When I got into sovereign expansion. I started expanding of my own self. That's the thing this is you know, nobody can understand your talents. Or Tyler nobody understand your talents. We think we know your talents, but we don't when we don't need even have a clue. But we think we do. And that's the trouble is, we think we know. But we don't. We're clueless and look at the world today.
Saylor Cooper:Because not everybody is going to understand my talents, even though they may be good people don't like them, you know what? It tells them? You want? That's why, you know, i That's why I feel that corporate America can be too judgmental at times.
Robert A Wilson:Well, you know, if you want to know the truth, we're to college educated to Corporate Clone to move forward. What was that? Will to college educated to Corporate Clone to move forward?
Saylor Cooper:Yeah, it will expand on that. What do you mean by that?
Robert A Wilson:You'd look at the whole world and all the marketing and everything after it's got corporations and college education behind it. Yes. And see the world the world was grown up in seek college education occur in the corporations, they lack one thing, they lack wisdom and wisdom is what you get from the experience. And there's not enough hands on experience when this country back I grew up in the 60s. And that's when people still had to have hands on experience. But we've graduated out of hands on experience. And people go straight from college into the management and they they forget there's out here. And they forget, the wisdom is in the working with the hands and the practical.
Saylor Cooper:I hear. Yeah, I hear you about that.
Robert A Wilson:And I'll share something with you. You got to kind of have an fo ft. attitude. You know what that is? Why? Or call fuck that. I'm okay. Sorry for cussing on your deal. But that's just the attitude you got to have. And what that attitude and see, that gives you the courage and the confidence and the power to never set a boundary because a boundary is a new fear.
Saylor Cooper:All right, by the way, it's okay. If you want to say something like this on the show. It's all right. It's all show. However, I'm just going to label it as explicit. But hey, that's okay. That's why we have the listener discretion. disclaimers. There, you know, because we can do whatever we want on the show, right?
Robert A Wilson:Yeah. And, you know, I didn't mean to be so explicit, but that's the way
Saylor Cooper:it's okay. It's okay.
Robert A Wilson:It's who I am. So
Saylor Cooper:it's here. You. I mean, sometimes I do want to say, America, right? And I don't want my life. I want to work for myself. And all employers can go screw off and do one thing. And, you know, if they don;t want o accept me, that's totally fine.
Robert A Wilson:You know, there's nothing more fun than making people laugh. That's like,
Saylor Cooper:Oh, my God. I like your humor. I like your humor. I really do.
Robert A Wilson:You know, I like being politically incorrect, because the political correctness has got us to where we're at today. Oh, yeah.
Saylor Cooper:Politics can be dirty. Nasty, and bad.
Robert A Wilson:And controlling. Yeah, that's a biggest. Let's see, here's the thing. liberate yourself from the school you got to rise above the school system. This is where they imagination and that's, and if you're trying to fit into something, you're always going to be in the demery of it.
Saylor Cooper:Yes, yeah. You are. And now, I want to ask you more questions like everything in your books. So how many books have you written total? Love it?
Tyler Evans:Love it.
Robert A Wilson:Most people write journals. I publish books on my journey on my voyage and journey. I just, you know, put them in a journal it does anybody Oh, good. And people want to read books. That's fine. They don't want to read the books. That's fine. Exactly. Yeah. It was the last that they got audios, but my wisdom breeze. It actually accelerates your day because when I'm having a challenging day, I listen to my own stuff. And I usually very critic, For my stuff, but I like these like my books.
Saylor Cooper:Yeah, you like you? Yeah. You like your book? So has that been like your main business venture? like listen, lagging books being an author has has that source of income
Robert A Wilson:well yeah and that being I'm just really getting into it because I'm not one of them people can just sell something to somebody for doesn't fit doesn't expand me I'm not putting it out in the world and now everything I've done sailor is expanded me to where I'm at today. Wow. And I'll tell you this expands hard headed stubborn me. Everybody else gets a walk in the park. It's easy
Saylor Cooper:I love you.
Robert A Wilson:I love you too.
Saylor Cooper:Make sure you are not again the best friends from here on out.
Robert A Wilson:You know, it's kind of the saying I use on myself. And I'll say it in first person. I liberate me from me. And my opinions viewpoints and beliefs to open up my now I've my now Now I begin now i one with fun, free unlimited nerve. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And see, here's the thing, this is all a game, there's no such thing as practice. You're in the game of life. 24/7. So you might as well be in the game rather than practice because practice you'd never get real.
Saylor Cooper:And you know what? You only got one life? Live it to go for? Yes. Yes. You are your fun. I like to ask, What has been your most like, difficult challenge in life? And how did you overcome them?
Robert A Wilson:The most difficult challenge I've had in life is me. Give an honest truth. All the hindrances I thought were in the physical world. Were in me. And this is actually something I expanded into. Life is innocent. I made it guilty with my thinking, knowing and all my insecurity and immaturity and thinking the world was perfect. And the only thing I had to overcome in life is me. Is you.
Saylor Cooper:Ah, yeah. I mean, you're a great dancer. You really do.
Robert A Wilson:People get people don't say it, you know, you get on. I've went to these hypnotherapy schools. And usually, they're like a night and two days. I don't have no challenges after setting in all that drama and trauma. Oh, Jesus. And you know, trauma, drama, overweight. All that is is habit sabotage and sabotage, we haven't our own habit sabotages. Stop us in the world. And that's what I had to admit to. So you gotta admit it you it's me. And not outside world and I write my books in first person.
Saylor Cooper:I do write your books are posted. Oh. We got one and enjoy the little things. Yes. Oh, my God, you have to be on fire today. You really do? Yes. So of course I know. We're limited on time because we've done so well. Let's see You are my code person. Now on top Palooza to be interviewed to have a review. And to have one more coming up in 10 minutes. And it all started actually this morning by interviewing this gentleman to my left. My best by title Evans. We are we are. We're brothers. But we're brothers from another mother. Makes sense, right?
Tyler Evans:Oh, yes.
Robert A Wilson:Yes.
Saylor Cooper:yes
Robert A Wilson:You have a good podcast Tyler and Saylor. You guys do good.
Saylor Cooper:Awesome. And you can find my podcast anywhere you get podcasts. Now. Of course before we wrap up. I'd like to rock out I'll actually wrap up with the customary and Nino my podcast Before we get to that, Tyler, do you have any other questions? For Mr. Wilson?
Tyler Evans:Hmm, I don't think so.
Saylor Cooper:All right. Well, I know when I asked you this, with the way you convey your message and what you get our life, I want to ask you, anybody? Anybody? What advice would you give to anybody who is struggling right now, and is stuck and can't see a way out.
Robert A Wilson:You got to sit down with yourself and appreciate your current life situation, I don't give a shit if they alligators are hanging on you under your feet, you got to appreciate your current life. Once you appreciate your current life, you got to appreciate yourself. And then you can start to now beginning with a now I want fun, but you got to appreciate your current law. This is something I expanded into people want to start changing their thinking, changing that until you discharge the the memories, your memories into motions, body and mind and open up and entertain the brain with a new way of life. And it's really a now way of life. You got to get into the now because your current situation, you got to come right down with the courage, confidence. You did it with your thinking, knowing and trying to avoid yourself.
Saylor Cooper:That's why well, you know, but that is well sad. Like they're, you live, they give you lemons. But it is way as you know, your your ride out the storm. And if you need to lean on for help, that's okay. But no life isn't always blissful. But there is bliss in life. That's right.
Robert A Wilson:And also, you know, something else. All the chaos, all the chaos and controversy, adversity, unsavory to untimed events. That is your dreams and your desired lifestyle, inviting you to move forward. Life is showing you you got to let go and discharge something within you to move forward. And that's the thing. People think the outside world is going to do it. It's just going to keep shoving it at you until you have the courage confidence to discharge it, let it go and admitted it's you. Or I had to admit it was me. And I like talking in first person a lot. Because it's me sets me free you as a puppy do.
Saylor Cooper:Well, Robert, I want to thank you so much for being on help without sight, you character. This is one of my best episodes I've ever recorded. And I want to stay in touch with you. Here's my contact information in the chat already.
Robert A Wilson:I already cut and pasted it into my own in my deal. I want to stay in touch with you guys too. And I put my free gift in there. And there's a hypnosis called entertain the brain and self hypnosis.
Saylor Cooper:All right, great. Great. Wonderful. Well, it was thanks again for being on the podcast you enjoy yourself at this epic high palooza. Enjoy the rest of the day, please. We'll send everybody on the hook up site episode allowed.
Robert A Wilson:Well, thank you. I enjoyed this. It was my honor and privilege and I'll say goodbye in a loving way.
Saylor Cooper:Oh, I'll say goodbye in a loving way back to you.